Tuesday, 21 March 2017


Another man in history, whose life and times provides another full proof evidence of the power of ideas was Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motors. While Henry Ford was not the only one credited with the invention of the automobile, he was undoubtedly the father of the modern industrial assembly line.
In those days, cars were only for the super rich. 

One of the reasons behind this was the fact that they were produced manually, laboriously one by one – that is one at a time. But Henry Ford never liked that idea. His novel idea was that cars should be available for the average family. The only way this will work out is if it is mass produced, thus considerably bringing down the unit price. 

Ford pursued this novel idea by coming up with the assembly line where different persons added different parts to the car as it passed through the assembly line until a full car emerged at the end of the assembly line. Thanks for Ford’s idea, the world is flooded today with relatively cheap cars for most middle class families around the world.
Cars were produced at a much faster rate and become affordable to many people. Ford was a man of ideas who added so much value to the world through his radical ideas. 

Unfortunately, space will not allow us to discuss some of his other ground breaking ideas.

The Author

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