Tuesday, 21 March 2017


The power of ideas kept moving the world to new and greater heights. And in 1989, Tim Burners-lee gave the world one of its most beautiful gifts ever – the worldwide web. Through this hitherto unthinkable idea, 

Burners-lee shrunk the size of the world not only to an acclaimed global village; but virtually put the globe and all its nations into the palm of your hands. What a truly unthinkable idea!
Well, unfortunately we have to bring this part of the write-up to an end here. 

In the continuation, we will be looking at men from beyond the Nigeria shores and within the Nigerian shores who raised history changing business and organizations through the incredible power of ideas. We will be looking at how seemingly intractable personal and organizational problems can be solved through great ideas, how to get inspired ideas, how to screen and protect your ideas, and finally how to turn you ideas into successful commercial products or even an industry.

The Author

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